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Marcia The Musical Moose
Marcia The Musical Moose


In a nutshell (as my puppet friend Sally the Squirrel likes to put it), I'm a children's entertainer in the New York metro area for children ages 1 - 7 years. Trained in theater arts and early childhood education, (M.S.Ed. Bank Street College of Education), I perform at children's birthday parties, pre-schools, libraries, hospitals, and corporate events. My show, an interactive variety act, is filled with audience participation and varies according to the age and character of the audience. The program includes: music, sing-a-long with guitar, (toddlers shake colorful eggs and toss rainbow colored scarves); simple silly magic; and a puppet show with furry animal hand-puppets and a beautiful puppet stage backdrop. Special puppet show themes include: the Dinosaur Adventure, the Magical Forest Tale, the Underwater Voyage, the Jungle Safari, and the Barnyard Story. Little moose finger puppet party favors, which the kids adore, finish the program. But wait! Before we get to the end, let's go back to the beginning! A few special moose finger puppets throughout the site, (Melissa, on this page), would like to guide you through our home here on the web. Click on a button, or below, and have fun roaming, I mean surfin

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