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Activities - Hunterdon county
Dancers Pointe
Dancers Pointe
Hampton NJ Dancers Pointe is a comprehensive performing arts studio offering classes in voice, ballet, lyrical, pointe, hip hop, tap, salsa, breakdance, jazz, musical theater, and zumba for both BOYS and GIRLS. Children can begin classes from ages 2 through ADULT. Dancers Pointe is dedicated in providing high quality instruction in all facets of dance. We work hard to introduce and instill ... More
The Little Gym
The Little Gym
As you strive to give your children the best foundation for success, The Little Gym® is there to help you along the way. Our professionally developed, non-competitive curriculum has been designed to build motor skills while having fun, and simultaneously fostering enhanced emotional, intellectual and social skills. Our programs include movement, music, gymnastics, sports, exercise, games, ... More