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5 Simple Ways to Relieve Minor Burns
Bake sales, cook-offs, barbecues, you name it. People love to eat, and will use any excuse for a get together if there's a chance food will be included in the equation. However, there are some things that can't be controlled, and accidents tend to happen in the kitchen. All too often cooking can result in a nasty burn. Luckily, it is quite easy to relieve minor burns, so check out these remedies that you can find right in the scene of the accident. 

Aloe Vera
 One of the most useful plants to ever be in existence, aloe vera has pain-killing and tissue- healing properties, which are very helpful in healing burns. If you have a garden, it is very helpful if you plant aloe vera as well, since it is easy to maintain and it grows in most climates if you take care of it properly. To heal a burn with this plant, break some meaty leaves from the plant, and apply generous amounts of its liquid to the burn, two or three times a day.

Take a cue from Winnie the Pooh and keep some honey in your home at all times. Known to disinfect wounds as well as heal burns, honey draws out the liquids from your tissue, which helps in cleaning the wound. Some people are wary of using the sticky natural concoction, however, there is no need to be queasy about it.

Used as a medicine by Seneca Indians, plantain is popular for treating burns because of its mucilage, iridoid glycosides, and tannins. These constituents in the plant together give anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial action. Not only that, it's anti-hemorrhagic as well. To turn this plant into an effective first-aid for burns, crush some leaves and rub the juice onto the burnt area. Not only that, it is also quite useful against food poisoning, which is something to remember if you ever plan on going on an adventure, but that's a different story altogether, and you can read up on survival tips from Beat the End http://www.beattheend.com/ if you wish to learn more about surviving the wild (or the future apocalypse).

Black tea has tannic acid in it, which helps draw out heat and in turn effectively reduces pain from burns. Make tea as you normally would, but make sure that it is cool before applying it on the burned area. If you are on the go, however, or if you refuse to sit there as you wait for the burn to become less painful, you may opt to place cool, used tea bags directly on the burned area and hold it in place with a piece of sterile gauze.

They are not only yummy as chips and crisps. Potatoes are also great as first aid for minor burns. Potato has soothing properties that not only alleviate pain, but reduce the chances of having blisters as well. Cut a piece of potato and rub it gently on the burn area to relieve the pain. This is best done as soon as possible to achieve the best results.

Although burns happen most commonly in the kitchen, minor burns can also be caused by fire, steam, and electricity, which is why it pays to be careful at all times.
Another remedy
Posted By andy08
You can also dip your hand or but in flour. Works like a charm if you do this immediately after you or your child gets burned
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